Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3 - First Workout

It is official, I started my first structured workout today...

Aqua Aerobics

The session was only a little over an hour; however, reminded me that weight loss requires cardiovascular exercise. The water is the perfect environment as it puts less stress on your joints and still enables your heart rate to increase to the optimal level for the body to burn calories while working almost every muscle.

Learning some of the basic moves was great as it will allow me to also do the exercises outside of a structured program. This will empower me to go to the gym maybe twice a day or perform the same exercises on days when the class is not available.

So far today, I have consumed roughly 600 Calories, 20 Fat, 10 Carbs and 90 Protein with one Alli Tablet this morning while eating eggs. The bad news is I gained a pound over the weekend.

Today's Weight/Size: 275 (4XL)

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