Saturday, July 26, 2008

Day 6 - The Bale Diet

Today I am without a scale. I did pretty good yesterday and stuck with one can of tuna for dinner. I did however fail in my water intake and only had 40 oz. Today I will not have a weight in as I do not have a scale at home that works so I just have to push hard through Monday.

Christian Bale lost over 60 pounds by eating an apple and a can of tuna everyday for nearly 4 months. He was not heavy to begin with so I can see it possible to lose 100 pounds at my weight in the same amount of time.

I have not yet introduced an apple to my daily intake yet and that might come in a couple weeks. I so want to see the 200 pound mark before the kids go back to school in September. That is a about 1.5 pounds a day. Insane!

On a personal note, Christopher Laurie passed away this week and his father has a blog for people to express their prayers. Please take a minute to drop a line, click here. My wife grew up with him through Harvest Church.

Today's Weight: ~260

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