Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Day 27 - 2" Later

I am officially less than 48” (just above 47”)!!! I was also happy to see the scale almost under that 250-300 pound section which will put me in the 200-250 pound section on the medical scale. All wonderful news this morning even after eating at Chili’s Bar & Grill in Foothill Ranch last night. The trick was sharing a plate with my wife, having conversation between eating AND stopping when we were full.

We had a wonderful server who even encouraged us with healthy selections for sides and chatted with us throughout our meal. I commended his style along with his service to the manager. Most servers just take your order, but at Chili’s there staff always have energy and are willing to have a good time with there guest.

What else can I say this morning? In the last 30 days I have dropped 2” and almost 20 pounds. It was not easy and I have to admit that I enjoyed my meals at times and did things that I was not suppose to do on a diet. I am going to do those same things even after I lose the weight and waist.

It comes down to balancing. :)
Today's Weight: 251


Anonymous said...

Three cheers for balance and for your great progress on the road to getting healthy! WAHOO! Sounds like a great night out.

Our guest chef from New York just submitted an awesome low fat recipe for The Diet Pulpit, I can't wait to try!

Anonymous said...

How tall are you.

Alan said...

Thank you Rose. I will say you are a motivation for me and thank you for sharing your journey with all of us too.

Thanks for stopping past John. We are praying for your Grandma and please keep us updated. I am 5' 11" with an ideal weight (they say) of around 136-179. I will love to see 180 :) but am pushing myself to go all the way to 170 and then maintain my health between 170-175 and know as I get close to 180 to recheck myself and be more aware of my body.

Josh Neimark said...


I have been following your posts a bit, and first . . . congrats on your initiative. I too, faced a challenge such as yours. Although my own story began with a life threatning illness, I have always struggled with my own weight (fluctuating 30-pounds or so every couple of years). Finally, 11-months ago, I took matters into my own hands. I ended up in the Mayo Clinic and left still undiagnosed and with a host of other new problems identified (inlcuding a mass in my chest). I began by approaching my health more logically than in the past and have now lost 80-pounds, my illness has dissapeared and I am in the best shape I have ever been in. I truly never pictured myself in a place like this, let alone having created a Blog to encourage others. Keep up the good work. I'm sure you are feeling better having dropped in your pant size, just wait until you have a closet full of clothes you never want to see again. It's a wonderful feeling.


Josh Neimark - Agent of Change

Alan said...

Thank you Josh for the kind words and congrats on your own personal recovery in health.

I have dealt with trying to loss weight for about the past 6 years. I lost my job in a warehouse that keep me in shape after a bomb scare. Just was not able to get back into the building. I moved on to throwing newspapers as I continued my studies.

You would think running around apartments at 3 in the morning would help keep me fit, but the sleep was the issue there. Body could never repair itself and so I gained weight.