Thursday, May 31, 2007

Day 1 - 10 Years Later ...

A couple of days ago I finally got the tape measure out and faced the facts of my life. Mostly as a joke to see how fat I was and to get a good laugh at myself. Well I hit 50" (51" to be exact). I have gone from wearing XS to XXXXL clothes or a 28" waist to over 50" in 10 years. That is 2" and 10 pounds a year!

I now have 50" (3XL) underwear in my drawers. A big change from having ShowToons, Underoos and FunPals. But seriously how much fatter can I get before I stop and change my lifestyle?

Just 15 years, I enjoyed 30 mile weekend bike rides with my brother to and around our local lake. It was a chance to get out and just relax for a couple hours on the weekend from the stress and dealings of everyday life and being cramped up in a bedroom doing homework or watching a ball game. Now the idea of relaxing is “driving” down to the beach and watching our kids run around while I walk along the sand with my wife, who eventually finds her excitement in the marine life along the reefs.

This month has been an interesting month and it is now time to make the change and take control of my life. So far this week I have walked a total of five (5) miles and ready to walk another five (5) miles before the week is over. I am in the process of searching around to find a bike to begin biking again. It took me 10 years to get this bad from doing nothing and I am looking forward to working double time to take back my life.

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