Thursday, June 28, 2007

Day 29 - Weekly 13 (I)

Here is my "Weekly 13" for Thursday, June 28, along with some other fun stuff:

Weekly 13

Other sites with Weekly 13, please feel free to leave a comment and a link.

A week ago I was “tagged” on a couple posts...

7 Random Facts about me, tagged by Incredible Shrinking Ladies
  1. Married for over 10 years with 2 kids
  2. Former High School CIF Finalist (Miler)
  3. Grew up in rural America and walked to school everyday
    (It was not uphill both ways)
  4. Cannot see the World upside down anymore (read blog)
  5. Love the Outdoors (Camping, Hiking, Skiing)
  6. Struggling business owner
  7. Scheduled to run a marathon within 6 months

Get to Know you Better, tagged by The Diet Pulpit
INSTRUCTIONS: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so.
  1. Sophiagurl (Life is just around the corner)
  2. Tam (Fitness Journal)
  3. Tom LeDree (Get Inspired) and Brian (Lose Weight With Me)
  4. Lady Rose (The Diet Pulpit)
  5. Alan (My Big Waist)

What were you doing ten years ago?
I was getting married and enjoying the first six months of life.

What were you doing 1 year ago?
I was tired and worn out while trying to run a business and a job at the same time.

Five Snacks You Enjoy:
  1. Snickers
  2. Yogurt
  3. Oatmeal Cookies
  4. Lucky Charms
  5. Cantaloupe

Five Songs to Which You Know all the Lyrics:
  1. Sinking, by Jars of Clay
  2. Tonight, by Jeremy Camp
  3. Like a Child, by Jars of Clay
  4. Lightning Crashes, by Live
  5. Runaway Train, by Soul Asylum

Five Things You Would Do If You Were a Millionaire:
  1. Invest in Small Businesses
  2. Start a Huge Project (Business Idea)
  3. Finance a Group Home for Fathers with Children
  4. Build a Library Room for my Family
  5. Hike the Pacific Trail

Five Bad Habits:
  1. Eating Out
  2. Ignoring the Yard (Landscapers make you lazy)
  3. Email Communications
  4. Working at Home
  5. Researching TOO much

Five things you like doing:
  1. Weekend Vacations
  2. Blogging about Life
  3. Running a Business
  4. Relaxing with my Wife
  5. Playing Volleyball

Five things you’ll never wear again:
  1. Inside-Out Pants
  2. Alf Underwear
  3. A-Team Muscle Shirts
  4. Dick Tracy Pajamas
  5. Boxers (need to prevent certain things from bouncing around while running)

Five favorite “toys”:
  1. Microsoft Access
  2. SQL (Simple Query Language) Analyzer
  3. Blog :)
  4. Running Shoes (coming soon…) and PE Shorts
  5. Hardware Store and the Gym

Now my turn to “tag” five:
  1. Diet Blog
  2. Agent of Change
  3. No More Mr. Fat Guy!
  4. Body Fitness Info
  5. Total Transformation Test

Sorry for the late post today as I was busy this morning with "interesting" activities at home...
Today’s Weight: 250


Anonymous said...

WOW you had a busy day! :) great lists and always a pleasure to get know a friend a bit better.

OH and you've been tagged as one of my knights of the round table - but doesn't require any thing at all - just stop by and check out our new castle! hehehe Lady Rose

Anonymous said...

Hey Alan,
Thanks for the link! Good job on the work you've done so far. Just be careful with some of your "Favorite Treats" LOL

Josh Neimark said...

Hi Alan,

Thanks for leaving a post on my blog as well as including links to some of my content within yours. I appreciate it. Keep up the good work. Hopefully you and your readers can find some encouragement and insightful information from my story. It's wonderful to see the amount of support that individuals can find online . . .and it's wonerful to be able to provide that as well.


Josh - Agent of Change