Monday, June 11, 2007

Day 11/12 - First 10 Days

My first 10 Days have been challenging as I have been recovering from my neck injury over the last week. It has put a big damper on my mental state and has been personally difficult for me to motivate myself. This is generally where people will throw in the towel and give up and return to what they were doing – nothing.

Well I do not expect this injury to be the stopper in my quest to regain my health and take control on my life. Nobody said this was going to be easy and without pain. I am currently looking at completely recovering from this injury and placing my goal into high gear.

This next week I will look into a gym in order to assist in my recovery with aqua therapy. I have been a member of Bally’s for the last 14 years and only find myself at the gym when I am looking at working out. The closet Bally's to my house does not have a pool. I am not really looking for a workout and want more cardio through a balance of my three favorite sports – biking, running and swimming.

Maybe we can make this a family adventure and I can get the wife to motivate me into aerobics. Shortly after we were married my wife lost over 50 pounds with aerobics and restrictive diet intake. This was part of her pre-marriage commitment to herself to lose weight by losing 50 pounds even before we were married. Life took its course and we found it easier to do nothing.


Anonymous said...

Actually it was 80lbs in 10 months

Alan said...

Sorry. :) Anything is possible... That is a total of at least 130 pounds of weight loss in a year.